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Most collections in this template are straight forward. To add a new item, simply go to the collection, add a new item, then fill out all the required fields and you're all done. There are however a few collections that require more work in order to be created. This is because these collections use conditional visibility settings that allow you to have different layouts for the same type of content.

For example, there are four menus, but each item has a different layout based on a layout option that has been chosen. Rather than forcing each menu to have the same structure (e.g. starters, mains, desserts), each menu is able to have it's own structure. You can have a menu with no sections, or you can have a menu with many sections. You have full control.

The sections that have conditional visibility are Menus, and Hotel Amenities.

Food & Drink Menus

Step 1 – Create a new layout option

Open the settings of the CMS collection called "Menus." Scroll down until you see "Layout." Add a new layout option by clicking the gear icon that appears on rollover. Add a title that matches the new section you would like to add – e.g. Menu #(NEW MENU NAME). Save your updated layout settings. Save your updated collection settings.

Step 2 – Create a new collection item

Open the "Menus" Collection and create a new item that matches the name of the new menu. Fill out all the fields. Save your new section item.

Step 3 – Create new conditional layout on the menu page

Go to the menu template page. In the Navigator you'll see a series of DIV blocks labelled Menu 1–4. Create a new DIV with a conditional visibility that equals the new layout option you just created.

Step 4 – Toggle to the new Menu and add content

While on the Menus Template page, select your new menu from the "item" dropdown menu. This will allow you to see your new menu as you begin designing it.

Any content related to your new menu should live inside of the DIV you just created, otherwise it will be visible on your other menus as well.

Hotel Amenities

Step 1 – Create a new layout option

Open the settings of the CMS collection called "Hotel Amenities." Scroll down until you see "Layout." Add a new layout option by clicking the gear icon that appears on rollover. Add a title that matches the new section you would like to add. Save your updated layout settings. Save your updated collection settings.

Step 2 – Create a new collection item

Open the "Hotel Amenities" Collection and create a new item that matches the name of the new amenity. Fill out all the fields. Save your new section item.

Step 3 – Create new conditional layout on the hotel amenity page

Go to the hotel amenity template page. Create a new DIV with a conditional visibility that equals the new layout option you just created.

Step 4 – Toggle to the new Amenity and add content

While on the Hotel Amenity Template page, select your new amenity from the "item" dropdown menu. This will allow you to see your new amenity as you begin designing it.

Any content related to your new amenity should live inside of the DIV you just created, otherwise it will be visible on your other menus as well.